Today, many people are asking: “Do we have any assurance that the meat we eat comes from a healthy animal?” “How much pesticide residue is in the meat?” “Is the meat in the local supermarket free from contamination of rodent and human filth?” “How do the antibiotics fed to animals prior to slaughter affect the consumer!”
The answers to such questions, plus other disturbing facts about meat, have led increasing numbers of thinking people to choose vegetarian foods because they are:
- Original – Human teeth show a marked similarity to those of herbivorous animals. Man possesses all the features of a strictly herbivorous animal. This gives us a clue as to the natural diet of man………
- Preventive – Evidence is rapidly accumulating to indicate that many of the chronic diseases plaguing modern man stem from the choice of food he eats. As a result, more and more medical authorities recommend vegetarian foods es helping prevent such diseases………….
- Pure – The more steps in a food chain before the final eater, the more pesticides that have been passed along. The lower down the food than an organism eats, the better. And the safest way is to eat the plant that produced the food in the first place…………..
- Disease free – “It’s so nice to sit down to a meal and not have to worry what it died from,” some vegetarians joke when asked to explain the reasons for their diet…………………..
- Inexpensive – It takes ten pounds of vegetable protein fed to livestock to obtain one pound of animal protein: A typical acre of land will yield 450 pounds of soy protein but only 43 pounds of animal protein……………
- Energizing – Do you suffer from a tired, fagged out feeling and wonder why? Almost everyone knows that such practices as smoking decrease one’s endurance, but few realize that a high-meat diet may have a similar effect…………………….
- Adequate – The key thought here is variety. Most plant foods are low in one or more of the essential amino acids, but a sufficiently varied diet will supply all of them in abundance………………….